Publication [07/11/2022]: Special Session – ANPEC Meeting

50th National Economics Meeting

On December 8, during the 50th National Economic Meeting, the Special Session “A History of Brazilian Economic Thought: From Colonial Times Through the Early 21st Century” takes place. Mauro Boianovsky (UnB), Mauricio Coutinho (UNICAMP), Carlos Mussi (ECLAC) and Flávio Versiani (UnB) participate in the Session.

The National Meeting of Economics is promoted annually by ANPEC with the aim of stimulating exchanges between economists and professionals in similar areas. Held in December, it is the most important national scientific event in its field.

During the Meeting, unpublished works selected by a team designated for this purpose are presented. The texts explore the frontiers of scientific knowledge in economic theory, political economy and econometrics. There is also a concern with the discussion of the national reality, which is the subject of panels and thematic sessions, in addition to topics of regional interest.

The event also counts on the participation of renowned foreign researchers.

To ensure the wide circulation of the works presented at the Meeting, ANPEC promotes their publication in Annals of the Meeting, which contains all the texts discussed in plenary, and disseminates them on its website.

The Meeting will take place between 12/06 and 12/09/2022, in Fortaleza/CE.