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Applied Macro 1st PlaceTrade Shocks and Higher-Order Earnings Risk in Local Labor MarketsTomás Martinez (UnB) and Ursula Mello (PUC-Rio) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P50RTDCUpFwsbHVroiKy9OEwTI_HNj5j/view
50th National Economics Meeting The Special Session “A History of Brazilian Economic Thought: From Colonial Times Through the Early 21st Century” will take place during the 50th National Economics Meeting on December 8th. Mauro Boianovsky (UnB), Mauricio Coutinho (UNICAMP), Carlos Mussi (ECLAC) and Flávio Versiani (UnB) participate in the Session. The National Economics Meeting is promoted annually by ANPEC with the aim of stimulating exchange between economists and professionals from related areas. Held in the month of December,[…]
The Graduate Committee in Economics makes public the result of the selection process within the scope of PPGECO.
The Graduate Committee in Economics makes public the result of the selection process within the scope of PPGECO.
This paper provides an overview of Brazilian economists' contributions to global economics since mid 20th century, from the perspective of economics as transnational science. The contributions are organized into three sections, after a methodological and historiographical introduction: economic development and income distribution, inflation and indexation, and “pure theoretical economics” coming from mainstream mathematical economists and heterodox (mainly post-Keynesian) authors. Professor Mauro's article can be obtained through the link below.
Watch the recording of the talk on YouTube (PDF transcript available in Portuguese):
The article discusses Evsey Domar's role as a link between economic thought in the West and in Russia, including her influence on some Brazilian economists. The Russian heritage he brought to the United States from Harbin (Manchuria) consisted of an interest in socialism and Russian history. He paid close attention to the Varga controversy in 1947 in the USSR. The rediscovery of Feldman's (1928) growth model by Domar in 1957 caught the attention of economists[…]
Unmissable! Lecture PPGECO/FACE/UnB with the renowned researcher Deirdre McCloskey, who recently became a foreign columnist at FSP.
In the late 1970s Paul Samuelson drafted the outline of a paper, never published, with a critical assessment of the theoretical innovations of postwar development economics. He found it a “vital” but essentially “not tractable” subject, with a “voluminous” and “repetitive” literature. This article discusses how that assessment fits in Samuelson's published writings on economic development, throughout several editions of his textbook Economics, and in papers he wrote before and after that assessment. Increasing returns posed to main analytical hurdle, together[…]